Oliver Earl

Software Engineer, CS Grad Student

Student finance paperwork filled out. Just my personal statement to get done

The heat in the UK is melting my brain and I keep forgetting to add to my log!

Been a busy day getting personal affairs in order. Back to normality tomorrow though.

New laptop. Spent some time installing Linux and programs I routinely use

Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/stop-coding/ (might still be pending tho)

Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/stop-coding/jhbaiepgbgcfkackgplaopofiiidkpil

The word 'coding' really bothers me. So I replace it with the word 'programming'. You can too, with Stop Coding! launching today. https://github.com/oliverearl/stop-coding

Lazy Sunday, but found some time to build some more of my Vue.js project

Re-reading a lot of LaTeX materials. Gonna need it for my thesis.