Painless Tools

1-command deployment tool for web apps

Performed load test of the Ruby Sinatra+Puma helloworld app setup by using Vegeta

Withstands 90 requests per second for 10 seconds. I'm going to call this setup satisfactory and move on to adding support for Rails

WIP ruby deployment

Deployed a sinatra app with puma. Next up is to clean this up and make it reusable.

Add helper functions to run certain parts of the code adhoc for faster development

Pushed 3 changes to painless-deploy

Akash Manohar Author

Support added for domains. is working now.


First deploy using "$ painless deploy production" and I have a static site up and running.

Woke up at 3am today to try and make some progress (finally). 5:20am and I have this working. And the entire thing is being developed on an iPad I setup away from my work work computer so that I can focus.

Tried watching Ahrefs videos and using the trial account to explore search volumes for content that I can write for

Gut feel is that "Engineering as Marketing" might work better for #PainlessDeploy. The search volumes are so low that it might not make an impact.