Send follow up emails
That's all I'll do for today
Cold DM for more artists
The nerves, the freaking nerves always
Starting a projects page on website
This will be another growing list, but this time about projects that group artists without necessarily being a collective that operates with specific and permanent members, and could include sets of different artists
Interview with artist
Make and publish video for social media
Experimenting with text-to-speech
Restructure some article ideas
Draft emails
Cold dm has been replied to
I'll be receiving a new list of artists I may be able to cover
Cold DM to start networking and searching for more artists
finding myself with fewer artists than I thought. So far from the few that agreed only one has continued communication in getting their work documented. Might be a little harder than I thought and may take a little longer to create content.
Research VR exhibitions
Might add an annual Virtual art and design Exhibition for the magazine, just thinking about it but I kind of like the idea
Schedule first interview with artist
Draft more emails
Send second Set of emails
Draft more emails
Send first email to artist
the nerves of this... I promise to get less nervous in the future... I must have proof read this like 50 times
Proof emails
Wow they were a lot of mistakes on those drafts π¬
Draft emails
Work on articles timelines for artists
Work on article timelines per artist
Trying to create a series of articles that make sense, gives an idea of who they are, what they do and why they do it, after that is to dive in deeper with each article. I want to make a difference on how artists are documented specially in the beginning of their careers, trying to dive in deep in those subject after a few decades, the artists tend to romanticize their experiences and make it seem better or make things up to fill in the gaps, let's avoid that
Draft 4 agreements for artists
I know I said today was rest day but appareantly it is not π¬