
Contemporary Art Magazine focused on the first years of a contemporary artist's artistic career.

Draft Terms And Conditions

Carl Poppa πŸ›Έ

oh wow things are getting seriousssss

Julian Barbarino πŸ‡΅πŸ‡· Author

Ohhh yes they are


work on About us

I have no clue why I'm struggling so much with this, but so far it reads pretty well.
Carl Poppa πŸ›Έ

i'm the same. it's always harder to talk about ourselves than others


Change font

"Nunito" for headlines and "Roboto" for paragraphs, our Logo will stay "Fredoka One Regular" as it has a similar look as Nunito's. I think it's working well.

Website layout chosen, edit pages, add pages and add artist profile pages

I've been a little out of it lately but I'm still working.

Look at WP layout again

Now that I left the ones I was interested in to the side I'm looking at them again with new eyes because when I chose them I had spent hours looking at Layouts. Let's get this done!

Recruit fashion designer

So excited to now have three creative professionals whose story and work to share!

Recruit artist collective

Official we have two artists, an individual and an artist collective!

Launch Temporary Page

Page only contains logo, social icons and description that the page is under construction. A plus is that it's embedded with our tweets to keep updated on progress with artists an who we hope are collaborating with us.
Julian Barbarino πŸ‡΅πŸ‡· Author

It's the product page but this is the site


Would you share link? Excited to check it