Pete Codes
Building in public
work on some frontend mentor exercise
Announce giveaway for Roost stand
pitch Charles more articles
pitch Charles Bootcamp Index
Finish updating text profiles on Bootcamp Index
Send job board newsletter:
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DONE = Pitch 10 companies the job board so I can get my phone back from the cafe.
Pitch Art Division job board
Pitch job board to Mercury Tide on their website
pitch home tree a job post
Reminded Graeme about the job board discussion
Pitched Ezra the job board
pitch leigh honeywell from tall poppy job board on twitter
give phone to the cafe until i pitch 10 ppl
pitch job board on linkedin
pitch job board to sobold
pitch job board to nelson croom
tell blog subscribers about Bootcamp Index
send Faisil article newsletter
show people Bootcamp Index
made random rainbow color finder with js
wrote 800 words for my ebook