Community for people to share their music playlists
upgraded MySQL from 5.7 to 8 on DigitalOcean droplet
Pushed 1 change to playlists-io
added cookie banner on top of the page (beta preparation)
generate free Let's Encrypt certificate in Ubuntu on DigitalOcean (beta preparation)
search input designed (responsive)
improved search performance
Pushed 1 change to playlists-io
basic search implemented 🚀🎉
designed error messages for password reset view
added GitLab webhooks to MakerLog
Pushed 3 changes to playlists-io
configured Laravel db mailer to gmail, sent test mails
installed Laravel Telescope to see send mails, published mail views to customize them later
added BETA tag so beta can start soon
designed password reset page
added header section with categories of playlists
receive genres from Apple Music API
db modification for playlist genres