Alan Plum

Full-Stack TypeScript Person

implemented "reset password"

This completes the "forgot password" flow. Users can now reset their passwords.

tidied up email templates

Added the missing email templates for "forgot password" and "no account" emails and cleaned up the design to better reflect the app's look and feel.
Alan Plum Author

The "password changed" email is out of scope for now as it requires email notification preferences to be implemented first.


implemented email tasks

Worker jobs can now generate emails using maizzle and send them using nodemailer. This was the last missing piece to implement the signup process.

User self-serve signup

Users should be able to sign up with an e-mail address that is verified before they can log in.

Out of scope: limiting sign-ups to specific domains, user profile page, obscenity filter, deduplicating existing (SSO) accounts with the same e-mail address.

bought a craftingemails subscription

Since I have modest design skills and e-mail layouts are hell, let's hope that this will save me some time and trouble.

completed signup UI flow

Users can now sign up, verify their e-mail address by clicking a verification link or typing in the verification code and pick a username to create an account. The only thing left to do is implement the e-mail engine to actually send users their verification links rather than dumping them in the server logs.

completed signup token logic

The signup dialog now generates tokens, which can be verified and will be refreshed if the same e-mail is entered again.