Carl Poppa πŸ›Έ

πŸ›Έ maker, feminist, perpetual n00b

build business case & create pitch deck

put together a comprehensive sheet for the marketing person we hired

πŸ“š homework time...

βœ… Comparing storage options
βœ… Complete labs & weekly assessment
βœ… Get started on containers, Kubernetes, and Kubernetes Engine
Carl Poppa πŸ›Έ Author

interesting yes but also i am swimming in a sea of confusion hahaha


🍻 Schedule shutdown complete & get ready for Fri-yay!

Warming a friend's new home.
Have a good one y'all!

πŸ“š homework time...

βœ… complete VPC Network module, labs & graded assessment
βœ… start on GCP Storage Options

πŸ“ plan tomorrow's study | work time blocks

This week has flown by so quickly!

πŸ›€ learn Rails (28%) - Ruby classes

Most important lesson learnt today is that Rails is _written_ in Ruby, but Rails isn’t Ruby.

Some Rails classes are used like ordinary Ruby objects, but some are just grist for Rails’ magic mill. Rails is sui generis, and should be studied and understood separately from Ruby.

πŸ“š homework time...

βœ… complete GCP resource hierarchy module
βœ… start on VPC network

☁️ Google Cloud Eng. training Day 27

today we're discussing storage in the cloud: buckets, classes, transfer methods, integrations...

spend hours fighting FB Ads and their weird restrictions

Giving up for now and moving on to happier things