Carl Poppa πŸ›Έ

πŸ›Έ maker, feminist, perpetual n00b

Gathered supplies to celebrate the joy of being alive in a world full of zoms

It's the little things. Simple, uncomplicated happiness.

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» learn Ruby (68%): review and write notes on class definition

if automation OK, change conditional hours back per recommended timing

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» learn Ruby (68%)

map, select, reduce, terminology review, defining classes
Carl Poppa πŸ›Έ Author

map, select, reduce, terminology review, defining classes

Carl Poppa πŸ›Έ Author

oops wrote the description in the comments instead πŸ˜…


(Cutie patootie doth judgeth me for mine sloth the past week) Surviveth certain death with help from an unexpected source. Now it's time to saveth Abel!

⭐️ check out ML new praise!

Jaye Hernandez

It’s so sleek 🀩


πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» learn Ruby (57%): blocks, yield, functional programming

πŸ— Solved the DRY issue with Jekyll Collections components using _data file

test: abandon --> then purchase @ later time from email link to see if webhook trigger works