
Your hive. At a glance.

Moving from antd to NextUI

- Still missing some form fields but πŸ˜‘πŸ€”

Created: Custom context menu right click on honeycomb cell / hive member element

- Hook created
- Simple styling created
- Functional tests done

Started to OneSignal implementation

- Done with some webpack tricks + sent&recieve first push notif successfully

Worked on SignUp Journey + Trial

- Created backend logic and checkpoints for trial
- Front-end implementation for auth (added some scope checks)
- Added Some event logging
- Created empty views
- Missed Swift & iOS Development πŸ˜„πŸ˜‘

Testing & implementing Geolocation service

- Those services too expensive
- ip-api looks good & accurate
and temporarily adopted

Created SignUp Screen with form

- Connected to API
- Need form field validation
- No good lookin UI yet πŸ˜‘
- Sagas created

Created End-points for SignUp Journey

- Implemented Server-side validation with express-validator
- Successfully user creation
- Error handling
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