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refactor: first address will be the default address and get the default address at the creation process

fix: refactor:default address will be set if none is set when user save

refactor: firstname and lastname synchronize with the default address. if firstname and lastname are saved at the user, this will be saved in the default address. if firstname and lastname are changed at the default address, this will be transferred to the user.

feat: trim email address on user save refactor: getStandardAddress() try.. catch on addMail

refactor: standard address get user default email address if address email is empty

fix: if selfLangs are false, all projects and languages are allowed (by hen)

refactor: first address will be the default address and get the default address at the creation process

fix: refactor:default address will be set if none is set when user save

refactor: firstname and lastname synchronize with the default address. if firstname and lastname are saved at the user, this will be saved in the default address. if firstname and lastname are changed at the default address, this will be transferred to the user.

feat: trim email address on user save refactor: getStandardAddress() try.. catch on addMail