The all around carefree Enterprise Content Management System. Modular design. Convenient backend Fast implementation.

Wrote a blog post for (Vision of QUIQQER) is now in proofreading and discussion

New Social Login is done

That looks great!

Obi Hen Kenobi Author

Thank you. :-)

we build a system with which it is possible to implement SaaS quite fast. no matter if it is an ecommerce shop, a SaaS or a normal website. with quiqqer everything is possible. quiqqer has an auth API and our frontend users module builds on it and brings a login with it, which integrates the social logins.


a integrated store comes out of the box. https://store.quiqqer.com/ … in the near future it will be possible for every developer to offer his modules. :-)


docs: added informative debug message and @todo flag for cache miss handling

docs: added informative debug message and @todo flag for cache miss handling