Software engineer - maker of things
:pencil: added pm2 cluster instructions in the documentation
Pushed 1 change to chartbrew-marketing
Pushed 3 changes to chartbrew-marketing
Pushed 5 changes to chartbrew-cloud
Pushed 3 changes to chartbrew-cloud
:wrench: added pm2 cluster-mode support
Pushed 2 changes to chartbrew-marketing
Pushed 2 changes to chartbrew-marketing
finished new toturial for https://twitter.com/razvanilin/status/1382290117277085698
Pushed 6 changes to chartbrew-marketing
Pushed 3 changes to chartbrew-cloud
:bug: fixed issue with displaying multiple roles for a user in a team
:bug: fixed server app crash when inviting a user that's already in the team
Pushed 22 changes to chartbrew-cloud
:children_crossing: added a tutorial and more tweaks for the firestore builder and connection form
:sparkles: added support for array item count and average on the Y Axis
:construction: added a dummy seed file for firestore
:construction: added support for processing references in the firestore response
now supporting top level references, arrays of references, and references inside an array of objects
:construction: added support for array-contains-any, in, not-in
:construction: added multiple value support for array or string operations
:construction: first draft of the drag&drop authentication json feature
:construction: added firestore query support and improved the conditions in the front-end
:construction: added the conditions functionality in the front-end for firestore