Software engineer - maker of things
:sparkles: added the option to filter for null values
:children_crossing: hide 'add first chart' button when there's no connection made
Pushed 9 changes to chartbrew-cloud
Pushed 5 changes to chartbrew-marketing
Pushed 1 change to chartbrew-marketing
Pushed 3 changes to chartbrew-cloud
:bento: modified the meta info and added a new banner og
:construction: added react keys for the dataset loop
:lipstick: small ui change for the stacked table menus
Pushed 5 changes to chartbrew-cloud
:lipstick: updated the table view to display correclty on mobile
:bookmark: up the version to 1.7.0
:arrow_down: downgrade react-dev-util because it causes gulp to crash
Pushed 20 changes to chartbrew-cloud
:recycle: better structure for the table footers
:arrow_up: updated the dependencies
:building_construction: restricted the members from getting the drafts from the API and seeing the toggle in the dashboard
:construction: fixed table footer dropdown and display on embedded charts
:lipstick: display the date range in the accordion title to see if it's active
:construction: breaking long words and adding a 'no results' message
:construction: fixed the column span of the footer
:construction: added sorting support
:construction: display the dataset in the table view when it's only one
:construction: added support for 3+ nesting levels in the objects
:lipstick: made the expander menu item distinct from the datasets