Software engineer - maker of things
:sparkled: added the kpi mode to the embedded charts as well
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:chartbrew/chartbrew
:package: updated node to 12.8.4
Pushed 8 changes to chartbrew-cloud
dashboard goals 💯 Released Beta 12 🚀
:pencil: Updated the logo in README
:pencil: updated docs with the correct logo link
:bookmark: updated the version to v1.0.0-beta.12
:arrow_up: updated dependencies
:bento: renamed docs assets to refresh cache
:bento: updated docs assets and logo color
:bento: updated the assets with the latest UI views
:building_construction: added dataset configuration data to the public dashboard
:bug: fixed crash because of the datasets on the public dashboard
:lipstick: added the dataset color as a label border
:bug: Fixed issue with not being able to make a chart private again
:bug: fixed dashboard crash when a chart doesn't have a subtype selected
Pushed 21 changes to chartbrew-cloud
:zap: optimised the redrawing of the charts when switching the mode
:wrench: fixed uppercase in KPI migration
Pushed 20 changes to chartbrew-cloud
:arrow_up: upgraded react-ace and replaced the brace dependency
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:chartbrew/chartbrew
:lipstick: added icons to the chart modes
:lipstick: dynamic kpi size and position based on chart size