Software engineer - maker of things
updated integration to use nodejs library
:bookmark: changed the version to v1.0.0-beta.11
:twisted_rightwards_arrows: merged PR into beta11
updated code based on review
better handling of component unmount
fixed component unmounted error & updated docs
updated integration to use nodejs library
:lipstick: changed the styling of the chart settings button
:lipstick: changed the design of the chart tooltips and ticks
:bug: fixed promise chain in the delete user route
Pushed 41 changes to chartbrew-cloud
Finished Uni 🎓
:bug: Fixed hooks syntax error
:lipstick: changed the styling of the chart containers
welcomed all the new users
:speech_balloon: update the copy of the chart date settings toggle
Pushed 11 changes to chartbrew-cloud
:bug: fixed issue with invisible charts still taking place in the public dashboard
:sparkles: added the refresh all charts feature
:bug: fixed issue with drafts still taking space in the dashboard
:lipstick: set the charts ticks precision to 0
:sparkles: added support for dynamic date ranges
:wrench: updated the eslint directories