Software engineer - maker of things
:recycle: refactored the firestore connection form
:recycle: refactored postgres and mysql connection forms
:construction: made the tabs in connections responsive
:recycle: refactored the mongodb connection form
:construction: more design fixes to the API form
:recycle: refactored the API connection form
:twisted_rightwards_arrows: Merge branch 'master' into design/nextui
:construction: adjusted the styling of the connections
:recycle: refactored the connections container
:twisted_rightwards_arrows: Merge branch 'master' into design/nextui
:recycle: refactored the dashboard filters modal
:construction: made sure the table doesn't crash the UI when there are no results to show
:recycle: refactored the chart export modal
:recycle: refactored the template form
:construction: modified the table component to normalize the header data
:recycle: refactored exposed filters component
:recycle: refactored the table view components to nextui
:construction: made the chart menu trigger a clickable link
:recycle: refactored the remaining chart types
:recycle: refactored the KPI mode for line charts and adjusted the dark mode theme
:recycle: refactored the kpi mode for the line chart
:construction: small tweaks and fixes
:twisted_rightwards_arrows: Merge branch 'master' into design/nextui
:recycle: refactored the kpi segment section for charts
:recycle: refactored the main Chart component and its options menu