Software engineer - maker of things
:bug: fixed issue with the chart not updating the autoUpdate with the 0 value
:recycle: refactored the project dashboard and made some changes to the light mode of the project navigation
:recycle: refactored the project board side menu
:recycle: refactored project board and mobile navigation
:recycle: refactored the new project form and custom template selector
:construction: added a table view for the user dashboard
:recycle: changed the user dashboard to nextui
:recycle: refactored the project starter
:recycle: refactored the Navbar
:recycle: refactored the Signups screen to nextui
:recycle: refactored the Login page with nextui
:construction: added full theme support for nextui
:twisted_rightwards_arrows: merged from master
:construction: intro to nextui with the login page
Pushed 3 changes to chartbrew-marketing
:bookmark: v2.0.0 :tada: :tada:
:pencil: updated the docs with the new assets
Pushed 199 changes to chartbrew-cloud
:construction: changed the ref for the public dashboard to not send the project name anymore
:construction: changed the chartbrew link on the public dashboards and embedded charts
:construction: removed 2nd instance of Navbar in the projectboard
:construction: added user creation date to the response
:construction: added a tooltip to the theme settings
:children_crossing: made it easier to switch themes
:construction: made sure the UI doesn't crash when adjusting chart themes