
Software engineer - maker of things

:construction: renamed the lessThanOrEqual operation to lessOrEqual

:bug: fixed the correct operation name for date interval filters

:sparkles: Adding the new firestore features from branch 'firestore-updates'

:construction: nested the filters to make sure sub-collections of filtered main docs don't appear

:construction: now possible to get the sub-collections without the parent collection

:twisted_rightwards_arrows: Merge branch 'master' into firestore-updates

:construction: separated the sub-collections method to simplify fetching

:construction: disable the flip toggle if the sub collections are turned off

:construction: added the option to toggle subcollection fetching on and off

:twisted_rightwards_arrows: Merge branch 'master' into firestore-updates

:construction: added the option to calculate the average value of all the points in a chart

:construction: populated the main response with the subcollections

:construction: nested the filters to make sure sub-collections of filtered main docs don't appear

:twisted_rightwards_arrows: Merge pull request from gkydev/hacktoberfest/fix Fix for