
Software engineer - maker of things

:goal_net: added better error description for the chart export route

:construction: the cache rows are now cleaned if they don't have an file associated with them

:bug: making sure replaceAll is a function in the data extractor

:building_construction: changed the caching strategy to be file-based

:building_construction: changed the caching strategy to be file-based

:bug: making sure Mongo bson type doesn't interfere with the table views

:zap: optimization improvements for data exploration and chart updates

:wrench: making sure a newer version of mongoose is not installed automatically

:sparkles: added the option to toggle the chartbrew branding from the embedded charts

:sparkles: added a more complex sharign functionality for individual charts

:bug: stopping the dashboard from filtering when there are no filters

:construction: filters now working on the public dashboard as well

:rocket: updated the data structure of dataset groups to allow multiple similar key selection