Ryan Lindskog
Specialist in Generalism
5:30 AM workout: legs and shoulders
5:30AM workout - 2 miles + lifting chest / back
5:40 AM workout - 5 mile run
5:30 AM workout - 2 mile run + legs / shoulders.
Updated GraphQL component design to be based off type, not fields.
Create a way to fetch possible components based off GraphQL fields
Continue implementing GraphQL type components
Workout. Run 2 miles, chest / back
Figure out design for displaying components from GraphQL introspection fields.
Find a `react-native-web` friendly autocomplete select input
Create seed scripts. One for creating default admin users, and one for creating default GraphQL components
Rest complete ✅. Starting work on my (top secret 🕵️♀️) app. React native, GraphQL and Serverless. Big things coming 🚀
Fix save button, or make it save when user stops typing (debounced).
Get GraphQL mutation for editing graphite input to work correctly.
Create OKRs for next week
Work on nested routing solution
Create mutations for settings component that was created yesterday
Add default input values when create schemas
Figure out a way to handle different GraphQL wrapper "kinds" (NON_NULL, LIST, OBJECT, INTERFACE)
Working on main project today, building out a react component and linking data.
Redesign logo to be more unique.