Ryan Hefner
Having fun, building stuff.
finalize TimelineGraph and setup category selector
add `TimelineGraph` to Lighthouse url view
setup endpoint to feed `TimlineGraph` for Lighthouse test
get chart rendering for TimelineGraph
make lists and views responsive
update project list layout
reorder status rings to match order of audit sections in Lighthouse report viewer
add test type toggle to Lighthouse URL view
setup landing page for relaypath.com
add PWA audits to Lighthouse report view
add Best Practices audits to Lighthouse report viewer
add SEO audits to Lighthouse report view
add Accessibility audits to Lighthouse report viewer
add Performance audits to Lighthouse report viewer
publish update to `next-contentful`
publish update to `react-contentful`
update composer dependencies
push `LighthouseUrlView` to production
add audit details to Lighthouse report viewer
add section icons to Lighthouse report viewer
setup initial rendering of report details
release new version of `next-contentful`
release new version of `react-contentful`
import members into MailChimp for event updates/newsletters