Ryan Hefner
Having fun, building stuff.
update Lighthouse Test form to render edit state
redesign Lighthouse Test form modal
make present site for client
setup cron job to send daily Lighthouse reports
refactor Lighthouse test daily report email to include all reports for an account
create daily report email
apply to pioneer.app with
consolidate test time status and runner button into single component
fix Lighthouse test list to reference correct config results
invite more testers to app
add welcome flow to registration process
invite more early users to optimizetoolset.com
setup sitemap.xml and some general analytics stuff
sync all results displayed with the test type selector component
setup cron to run tests on production every 6 hours
default first Lighthouse Test per project to be the primary
tweak styles after base change
add running status to test button
setup transactional email provider
add `LiveTime` component to display live relative time of last test
update layout of test type selector and test time/runner button