
Maker of Fightie / Copicake

integrated ImagePickerView, right now users can take a photo as their own avatar!

integrated the passcode view into the app and everything is working well now!

added pricing page to

Fajar Siddiq

Welcome to Makerlog!

Ryu Author

thanks all :D I'll keep working on my projects and share more status with you guys!


My iOS app (0.9.2) got passed by Apple review and is released already!

Submitted a new version to support In-App purchase & Analytics feature

Even though it's hard, but finally I finished all the crazy things related to IAP & also added the killer feature - "Analytics" which can help users get their personalized analytics results based on their workout data.

(Fightie is still in "private-but-public release" phase and I am still trying to make it better!)
Ryu Author

Thank you! If you do install it, feel free to let me know your ideas and experiences :)