
I make to learn!

Create a virtual field display to build a customized data structure.

Enable mobile TFA automatically for users on login process if there are mobile number.

Sending newsletters using Simplenews contrib module and configure cron job to send emails every two minutes as batches.

Define a new element validate to do custom regex validation for specific text fields.

Create new service to utilize Reddit API and update specific nodes with the Subreddit info.

Create custom form to read Excel files and check if inputs exists in the Excel rows.

Handling saving files programmatically and save files permanently in the system private folder.

Create new project to help me automate writing usual work reports MHMD.

Fix overridden features and alter workflow hardcoded state ID to use the correct state IDs by state name.

Alter image field widget and making image alt field as pre-defined select list.

Install minimal profile and setup my basic modules then exporting it as a config for my future installations.

Implement hook requirement to check and show notice if there are no terms in types vocabulary.

Change node workflow state programmatically and set a default transition comment.

Automating the import of translated phrases in the module install process.

Implement flood control on a custom form using a custom flood event name.

Allow users to add unlimited fields in a custom form using Form API AJAX.

Manage field states using FORM API state property and apply conditional fields programmatically.

Create multisite for my content websites to make it easy to update them all from same git repository.