Install OpenVPN and configure it for my home network.
Restrict English switcher for admin only.
Create new custom form to process and import CSV files as taxonomy terms.
Define a param converter for content type with a custom condition.
Enhance my Lando file to include the whole process of first installation within one tooling command.
Install events log tracker and save SMS notification activities.
Install Manjaro and NVIDIA drivers manually.
Backup my Docker containers.
Configure my Odoo installation to have styled PDF with some general configurations.
Enhance my custom form by defining state for every form element.
Use CSS classes for custom form buttons.
Adding validation for first row of my Excel import form.
Write a standard of creating optimal Drupal view.
Setup multilingual website and restrict English version for admin only.
Create subtheme of Claro with some custom CSS.
Create subtheme of Claro with some custom CSS.
Render view rows as entity. And manage fields by node field display.
Adding CSS hotfix in a RAW HTML block.
Create PoC of a relational taxonomy system.
Create a new clean Drupal installation managed by composer in 171kb size.
Create relational taxonomies to classify the content.
Create web scraper to import latest news from another website.
Install Portainer to manage my Docker containers.
Install Proxmox for my home lab server.
Connect to a multiple database for data migration purposes.