
Private(-ish) scheduling and assignment PWA

Fixed "grade that doesn't count" bug to now actually not count the grade

Added iPhone X and other phone support for the future (removed navigator.standalone code in JS and added env(safe-area-inset-top) to the CSS)

There’s no min-height on the body, so sometimes the nav isn’t full height on horizontal iOS standalone

Fixed a bug where every period on the planet was a free hour

Why? More free time :D


Made lower border on the calendar respond to the type of day (empty, full of normal hours, full of free hours, or mixed with free and normal hours)

(I'm back!) Added free hours to for when teachers are sick or you get a day off.

Fixed grade sorting bug (oh boy, you do not want to see the code for this)

+1 - you don't wanna see it


Added scroll on the sidebar nav when the screen isn't tall enough (again, screw you iOS!!!!!)

Improved setting page handling (faster updating to set language and a loading icon) with an easier way to customise it across all pages

Fixed super annoying 15pt overflow bug which only appeared in the schedule

Updated the service worker to make sure admins get prompted to install the PWA

Updated header on admin page to have the same background as everywhere else