Changing OAuth method to all payload to single payload using token, and BE auth.
Event.Publish emails confirmation from dashboard. (Highlighted)
Setting up a webhook for basic acknowledgements.
Fixing pre-pub validations.
Setting up individual row components (isolated).
publishing/unpublishing route, is now more dynamic.
Cleanup backlog tickets, a lot of crap actually.
Admin dashboard - Email notification on publishing.
Admin dashboard - Update ${product} details in bulk.
Setting up admin dashboard for publishing ${thingies}.
Setting up Event.Published email notification.
Fixing favicon, circle vs plain icon vs outlined.
Setup Sentry only on prod.
component based object model for errors
Trying out the new input errors format.
checking for font coverage.
integrating logo, and assets into templates.
Hosting image separately for usercontent.
Search invisible split sections, with icons.
${product} page highlight icons.
${product} page highlights section UI
setting up lazyloaders on ${product} page.
getInitialProps is annoying AF. Until now!
Learned about granular choice of data fetching in Next.