Arnaud Joubay ๐Ÿฅ๐Ÿฎ

Serial Side Projectist. Indie maker of life change. App Store featured. Rails Adept. WFH. Dad. Baker of icebreakers. Creator of cows.

Delete WhatsApp account

Wouter Dijkstra

What made you take the leap?


@woutertoday. Realizing I wonโ€™t make anyone think twice about it if I donโ€™t walk the talk. Facebook has disappointed me in many ways and showed on numerous occasions it didnโ€™t deserve my trust, wasnโ€™t aligned with my values and failed at just about everything including what I hoped itโ€™d bring: stay connected with friends. I stopped using WhatsApp for months and got a glimspe of what itโ€™d mean for me. Iโ€™ve been ready to press the button and decided to wait one last week. Coincidentally, I heard about yet another data leak so I felt a fool for not doing it a week earlier. Now itโ€™s just a first step. Personaly, I have a plan for an Insta/Facebook replacement but it needs some preparation. The trickier part is my apps. I donโ€™t know if I can afford not to be on Insta & Facebook. Anyway, I figured youโ€™ve got to start somewhere, and I started with WhatsApp.


Use my CoreDataStack instead of adhoc context for tests


Very cool idea! Nice website and app screenshots. I'll try it later. :)


Thanks @kaioelfe!


Extend @levelios list of the benefits of async work

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