Dez Papp

Jamstack | Tech Talent Sourcing

write and post a French poem I wrote half-asleep

Don't ask me :) watched too many French movies lately.
Oh, can check it out at my insta @dezpapp

setting up automated video story workflow for

1. RSS Feed (all blogs in employee engagement as a starter)
2. weed out uninteresting or too fluffy
3. touch up autogenerated videos
4. download + add brand
5. repurpose for different platforms - so love LinkedIn stories being 20 seconds, Insta 15 etc.
6. schedule out - min. 1 week to get ready with the Minimum Viable launch page

finish basic design of with stackbit

Dez Papp Author

Got derailed a few times :( notably by RedwoodJS which seems a cool approach to full-stack JS.

Dez Papp Author

Got a few time consuming ideas - around social proof. :) Both a blessing, and sucking on the limited time.


send weekly kick off to newsletter audience to t-shirt makers audience on Mailchimp

Figure out a great theme.
Or make a follow-up to an earlier 1st steps nudge, like ways to start a shop once they've signed up to a POD printer.

soft tissue workout / working on trigger points

My left leg gets usually stiff - probably from bad way of sitting.

resend Friday's newsletter campaign with a new subjectline to non-openers - POD dropshipping t-shirt

write out lyrics for my Mum's birthday

I know :) she ain't on internet - nor she can handle a smartphone :(

Maybe will toss in a few musical notes to accompany. Even if she is better with remembering sounds than lyrics.

review weekly billable hours

Dez Papp Author

THanks for having me ;)


Welcome to Makerlog!


add 'products' I've worked on or may consider working on in the future