Day 308 - 10 lessons after 10 months of sleep biohacking

It’s been 10 months of sleep biohacking. I started my sleep biohacking goal on 4 Jan, and started waking up ~4am and tracking my sleep about 1 month later, on 3 Feb. Here’s 10 lessons I learned along the way:

1/ Sleep is the first mover
2/ Sleep well is mastering the basics well
3/ Switching chronotype is possible
4/ It takes months to transit to a new chronotype
5/ Getting >90% sleep score is possible
6/ Social accountability really works
7/ Knowing my sleep baseline
8/ Sleep is a collective thing
9/ Sleep data should serve us, not define us
10/ It’s never about sleep
Jason Leow Author

Night owl. 1-2am bedtime is normal. 3-4am if I'm feeling the magic.

Carl Poppa 🛸

what type of sleeper were you before starting this habit?

Carl Poppa 🛸

oh wow, this is quite the drastic change! well done man 👏👏👏

Jason Leow Author

thanks bro! I can't take full credit for it though. Environmental changes played a huge role. Lockdowns, WFH, baby, remote work were the main driving factors. I simply went along with it to make the best out of it


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