Day 732 - 2023 in 8 forms of capital -

I learned a lot about how to set better intentions from [last year's review in 8 forms of capital]( So how will 2023 looks like?

What capital do I want to grow in this year? And how?

### I want to see if I can...

**πŸ’΅ Financial:**
**Hit $5k/m, any which way.**
- Continue with my goal of hitting at least $5k/m from my portfolio of products and services. I was about 60-70% there last year... close.
- No more main project or MRR obsession. The aim is to hit $5k any which way, from whatever project or work, product or service. To thrive I have to first survive. I can think about thriving after hitting $5k/m.

**βš’οΈ Material:**
**Invest high ROI assets for health and productivity.**
- Anytime I invested in sleep biohacking gear, my sleep gets better (even if incrementally). The ROI is usually high, so more in that area.
- Update on tech hardware as most are dated – I got an iPhone SE 2020, iPad mini 2 2013, Macbook Pro 2015. Some apps are no longer working on my devices – FCP, iMovie on MBP, iPad apps like Google Drive.
- More domaining for my products, e.g. getting domains where people are likely to type typos. (Side question: Are digital assets considered material capital? πŸ€”)

**🌑 Living:**
**Sleep well, stress less, move more.**
- My living capital aka health goals summed up in 3 words – sleep, stress, fitness.
- I've been working on my sleep for 2 years now. There's ups and downs, but I really wish to nail it and get consistent 80-90% sleep scores this year. That involves nailing my sleep fundamentals and habit systems, even on busy project days.
- The biggest health-related epiphany las year was realising that [stress is the root cause]( of many of my chronic ailments. That's why I set a [new goal in Oct]( last year to biohack my stress. More work to be done in this area!
- I'm not letting myself off for failing to get more exercise last year. [Fit AF]( continues, but the big question is: How can I do this even on my worst days? How do I set up habit systems where I can't fail?

**πŸ’‘ Intellectual:**
**Power up on marketing.**
- I've learned a lot about how to do active marketing on social media over the past 2 years. It's hard work to keep the flywheel spinning, but I've done it. But how about other, more 'passive' ways of marketing? I got to learn to do this if I want my indie products to succeed.
- Learn how to do the more 'passive' types of marketing. Ads? SEO? Affiliates?
- Launch a new type of product that I've never launched before. Ebook? Course?

**πŸ’ͺ Experiential:**
**Acting fast on opportunity.**
- Being able to sense and act fast on opportunity is a skill that one can get better at through practice and experience. Continue to practice and learn how to act fast on opportunity.
- Also to learn [being real](
- Gain more [practice]( as a founder by launching new products through the year. Every new thing teaches me something that I can use for my existing or future products.

**πŸ‘₯ Social:**
**More LinkedIn conversations.**
- I only started being serious on LinkedIn on April this year, yet the ROI from LinkedIn had been surprising. I got a few opportunities which made all the difference to my financial survival. So I'm doubling down on connecting more on LinkedIn.
- Also to connect with more local designers.
- Making friends and building relationships on Twitter continues.

**🎨 Cultural:**
**Travel with a toddler.**
- A new challenge of traveling to new countries and cultures with a toddler. Thailand, Taiwan and Indonesia are possibilities.
- Stretch goal is to go live in Bali for 2-4 weeks with toddler, and have grandparents join us part-way too.

**⛩️ Spiritual:**
**Stress biohacking through mindfulness.**
- I only had a handful of rare moments last year where I felt present and mindful, when I worked with intention, clarity and a calmness that felt really enjoyable. The rest of the time I felt distracted, stressed, and scattered, running around like a headless chicken. I want more of the former in 2023 than the latter.

*Onwards to 2023!*
Sanat Mohanty

Great read. Thanks for sharing

Jason Leow Author

Thanks for reading, Sanat!


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