Day 461 - How I can earn $5k/m on the internet -

I can earn $5k/m just from either one of these:

5 × $1000 websites
25 × Carrd plugin integration jobs
334 × Carrd plugin sales at $15 a pop
500 × Lifelog subscriptions at $10/m
1 × $30k consulting project over 6 months
1-2 courses at $2000-3000 per course
[New!] 25 × unlimited Carrd web design/support at $199/m subscription
[New!] 10 × unlimited Carrd design/support for unlimited sites at $499/m subscription

OK but it’s hard to expect to sell 334 Carrd plugins in 1 month when my current sales is like average 10 per month. So maybe I can do a mix:

2 × $1000 websites = $2000
34 × Carrd plugin sales = $510
1 × $30k consulting project per year = $2500

Or something even more realistic:

2 × $500 websites = $1000
1 × course at $1000 total sales
20 × Carrd plugin sales = $300
20 × Lifelog subscriptions at $10/m = $200
1 × $30k consulting project per year = $2500/m

Just breaking it down this way makes it feel so much more attainable! And assuring.

Anxiety levels going waaay down now.