Day 858 - Info product ideas & my excuses to not launch them -

Talking about [things I had to unlearn]( on my indie journey got me thinking deeper about this particular one:

Info products are not “real businesses”.

I know that that's a lie – info products can be a lucrative business. I'm no longer opposed to creating it, so it's just a matter of finding the right idea or topic that fits. I know the right info product can bring in revenue fast, which is what I need right now. I know that it doesn't need months or years of work and can be instead done quickly within a month or two, which is also something that works for a timestrapped dad like me. I did launch them before, so it's not for lack of experience:

- Keto List Singapore
- Grant Hunt
- Safe Distancing SG
- VisualAid
- Coffice City
- Public Design Vault (defunct)
- Public Design Jobs (defunct)
- Space Nomads (defunct)
- Public Design FAQs ebook (never finished)

And best of all, I got a few info products in my pocket – 80% of each one had already been written because I write them out occasionally as learnings. But I never got round to putting them together to launch:

- A [series of learnings]( from starting out on a keto diet
- A [Twitter info product]( containing the various tactics and hacks I used to grow my account
- A resource ebook on [sleep biohacking](, maybe for my sleep biohacking community

So why did I not launch them?

Something that [@DmytroKrasun]( mentioned was the counter pushback:

> But why not? I am not joking. You have your own take, and you might have an audience for it. If you see an opportunity, it might be it.

I replied, saying something like how there's so many of such Twitter courses available (like a good one is Dagobert's), just not sure if I can add anything valuable to the knowledge pool. But truth is, that's a shite reason.

Market saturation is a poor reason to not try.
Trying to be unique is a dumb way to not try.
Worrying about others is a silly excuse to not try.

So I've run out of excuses.

*So when?*