Day 686 - Good day -

Yesterday was a good day.

I had 4 sales of my Carrd plugins. I never get 4 in a day, that’s why it’s a good day.

I attended my first in-person conference in a long time.
I got to see and try out new technology (yes that Boston robotics dog).
I had a great steak lunch with my 2 design mates.
There were free flat whites all round at the conference.
I meet many familiar faces for the first time - people I worked with remotely for the past 3 years but had never seen face-to-face.
It was a lot of fun at work that I’ve not had in some time.

I just finished well for my non-profit consulting project, and in discussion with more work next year.
I’m working on a smaller gig right now working with a client team whom I really enjoyed working with.
New leads are coming in for my consulting for next year. A tender bid for a government Ministry project. A link up with another. An adjunct lecturing opportunity for next year.
I’m finishing up my consulting for the year, and can’t wait to get back to coding. In fact I’ve already started building a markdown preview mode and a rich text editor for Lifelog.
Got a Black Friday deal for Carrd plugins coming up next week.

It was a good day. A good week. A good past few months.

Things are looking up. Rounding off in a nice way for the year…

And I am truly grateful.
Carl Poppa 🛸

Yaassss! Super happy to see this for you Jason <3

Jason Leow Author

Thanks Carl!! I'm happy too, to share this gratitude with you


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