Day 457 - Things you don't feel like doing but seldom regret doing -

What are the things that I usually don’t feel like doing but seldom ever regret doing?
What are the things that my future self will thank me for?
What would a lazy-ass regret not doing enough of?

Here’s mine:

• Planning
• Workouts
• Taking walks
• Taking it slow
• Sleeping early
• Writing to-dos
• Swimming in the sea
• Buying hardcopy books
• Spending time in nature
• Reading hardcopy books
• Writing cards to my wife
• Getting up from my chair
• Having coffee with close friends
• Buying grassfed/organic/free range
• Doing something just for making money
• Being patient with someone or something
• Messaging a friend I’d not talked to for years
• Paying for a nice, wholesome, healthy but tasty meal
• Buying high quality but expensive shoes/glasses/clothes/bed