[Post-dated] Day 569 - Consulting astrologers - https://golifelog.com/posts/consulting-astrologers-1658564482643

I have 3 astrologers whom I consult with. Yeah I don’t talk about this much, because astrology is so misrepresented. But since I’m going to meet one of them later, I thought I could talk about it.

White Star is one of the first I met, while in Bali. She’s a healer, seer and clairvoyant from the native American Indian tradition, and through her I understood my past lives and how they shaped my present one. She told me stories of how I was a priest in ancient Egypt, and in another life, a Celtic one, and one in the Himalayas. My most recent one was a Japanese soldier who died in WW2. It’s fascinating to hear, and gave me a lot of food for thought on how some of the stories parallel my present life, and how certain themes repeat. I go to her for big magic readings like these.

Kelvin comes from an ancestry of spirit mediums. He father and grandfather were all mediums who helped people communicate with loved ones who passed away. He uses tarot cards and crystals in his readings, but he also has a strong intuitive sense. Through him I understood how family ties and relationships affect my marriage, career. He explained how my relationship with my mother affects my view of marriage, and how my relationship with my father affects my career. He also helped us with geomancy of my house - setting up the space in our house for the right energy and luck. He also does numerology and birth readings, and through him my wife and I came up with a auspicious name for my son. His readings are practical, and immediately applicable to daily life.

Nancy is our latest astrologer. She’s the true blue mathematician of the stars, showing us how she calculated our sun and moon Zodiac signs, our ascendents and how it all affects our life. I was surprised on how she got some of my traits and life events right even though I never shared it. I go to her for overview of the year, the opportunities and pitfalls I got to look out for as the stars move into different alignments.

It all sounds woo woo if you’re not into this. Truth is, I’m not crazy about astrology either. I do recognise that the logical pragmatism of modern science has limits. I know that we don’t know for sure how astrology works. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. But that doesn’t imply truth either. I don’t take everything I hear wholesale as unquestionable truth. But I’m open to listening to different perspectives, angles I’ve never thought about before.

And that’s what these readings do for me - it sheds light on potential blindspots which I might have missed. It prompts me to look out for opportunities which I might not be looking out for. It might all be a self fulfilling prophecy you say, but I’m not interested in the truth of how events came about, but that it did and I benefited from it. Ultimately, the readings help me reflect:

If this was true, how would I know to be sure? What other real life and real world indicators are there that corroborates with it? (And vice versa if it was false)

Is this something I’m dealing with already? Does it feel familiar? How does it prompt me to think about it in a different way?

What can I learn from this?