Day 271 - 10,000 iterations > 10,000 hours

"If you put 10,000 hrs practicing the piano, you will almost certainly become very good at the piano. If you put 10,000 hrs into your business, it doesn’t necessarily translate to anything! The first kind has a predictable relationship to effort. The second kind doesn’t. You need a different attitude when trying to achieve the unpredictable..." - @dvassallo

I’d always been a big believer of consistency and habits as a foundation for any kind of success, but lately...that conviction had been wavering lately, when it comes to my efforts in indie hacking and entrepreneurship.

It’s an unpredictable relationship between effort and results. Consistency almost doesn’t matter.

Instead of 10k hours, how about 10k iterations?

Maybe I should iterate more on Lifelog’s copy and conversion?

Maybe I should try 10,000 things when it comes to marketing?

Maybe it’s Lifelog’s features that need more iterations?

Or maybe Lifelog isn’t the breakthrough SaaS I was expecting, so keep trying other products?

Lots of questions, no answers…yet.