Day 657 - The basics of business are low bars now -

If you're an indie solopreneur, just aiming to give a prompt response to your customers is already a killer competitive advantage.

I'm surprised when people are surprised and thank me for replying to their email within a day (usually hours). That also shows just how bad it is out there. Especially huge companies – funny how the better funded or resourced they are, the worse/slower their support gets. In a crazy world of holding the line for half an hour just to talk to customer support, only to get rerouted to a different department and having to tell your story all over again, it's delightful to get answers quickly.

The bar's really low for basics like these.

That got me thinking: What other basics are the big guys neglecting (where it's an advantage for us indies)? Some ideas from the customer's point of view:

- Having access to the founder/owner. Getting a DM or email from the founder him/herself always feels more special.
- Just being human and building a genuine relationship person to person. People always prefer to buy from people, not cold, faceless corporate entities.
- Giving a feature request and the founder making it within a day.
- Giving feedback/suggestions and someone contacting you immediately to find out more.
- Following someone's building in public journey and supporting his/her cause.
- The founder being helpful and giving to you (beyond the scope of the product) without trying to sell anything.

*What other basics of a great customer experience or running a business did I miss?*