Day 938 - Weird Youtube hobby -

I've got a weird Youtube hobby. I love watching travel Youtube videos of people's first time in Singapore, where I live. Yes, sometimes I do watch travel vids of other countries, or places I would like to visit. But not nearly as much or with as much interest as travel vids of Singapore.

Even when I was able to travel freely pre-covd era, I still enjoyed watching travel vids of Singapore.

On the surface, it's definitely nice to watch tourists marvel and say nice things about Singapore. But what's even more fun was to live vicariously through their eyes, to see my home country in a light I don't always get to see, because we all get numb to the things we see and touch everyday.

It's like, a different way to practice gratitude. For being able to live in a place where others can find joy and magic in. Even if you no longer do.

The foods that light a fire in their eyes. And their belly.
The honest folks preparing those foods being helpful to them.
The ease and fearlessness they can move around in the city.

I tend to forget all these.

There's nothing like outsiders to help remind me of all that.
