Day 543 - Tiny Twitter hacks I learned & love, part IV -

Part 4 of tiny yet cool Twitter hacks that I’m slowly accumulating over all the daily practice and observing how others do it:

• MRR. Joined for monthly recurring revenue, stayed for the monthly recurring relationships
• Not overthinking each tweet. I used to spend hours over a single tweet, first drafting it, then editing it multiple times. The nature of Twitter, its effort:reward ratio, just doesn’t work that way. That if you put in more effort means you get more likes, followers, conversions. Just put out cool ideas and move on. “If you’re spending more than a minute on a tweet you’re doing it wrong. Editing is for stuff that lasts.” – @getpaidwrite
• Committing to Twitter growth for the decade had been such a gamechanger in terms of how I feel about the work. Then the immediate highs and lows of likes and engagement will drop away. Not much likes on a tweet? That’s ok. try again tomorrow. And tomorrow.
• Batch content. 2-3h within 1 day versus 1h every morning? No-brainer.
• Systems/templates. With batching content means having systems and templates becomes more important (because you’re not tweeting offhand now). You don’t get extra credit for trying to be original every single time and tweeting offhand. You’re also not any lesser of a creator if you use templates/systems.
• Engagement tools. New breed of Twitter tools to help you know who to engage (not scheduling tools) - Engagement Builder and Lab Social. This seems to be the answer to the other part of Twitter growth narrative where they tell you to reply to other accounts as much as you tweet consistently.
• DM approach. DMs means your tweets will be more likely to show up on people’s tweets. So have a DM strategy. But don’t use DMs in a transactional way. Use DMs to build relationships. Be authentic. Make friends.
• Twitter Spaces. Spoke at my first Space last week and I love it! It’s like a podcast but more informal, unstructured and free-flowing. More conversational than most podcasts. Also feels like a great way to build relationships and also just have fun.
• Replies are best tweets. My best tweets are from replies to other people’s tweets. There’s something about being able to interact and bounce off each other’s words that bring out latent content/ideas… So the solution to not having enough content ideas? Be the reply guy.
• Asking questions is one of the best ways to create lots of engagement. But as always, be authentic.
• Have a spiky point of view (ala @MeetKevon style), not just a niche. Provides contrast, makes you stand out, but be real too (don’t just say controversial things for sake of stirring sh*t and getting attention).
• Being entertaining is just as viable a Twitter growth strategy as being educational. Because entertainment is value too. If you also resonated and connected emotionally, that’s value as well.
• Profile page makeovers. When launching a new product, do a complete makeover for banner, profile and bio.
• Birthdays are great excuses to get lots of engagement. Don’t squander the opportunity!
• Restrained distribution. You don’t have to post your link every day. Jab jab jab jab jab jab jab jab jab hook. Give give give give give give give give give ask. Compress the spring before an ask.

What other tiny Twitter hacks do you know?