Day 389 - Back to Fit AF -

OK my Achilles tendonitis is 90% healed.

Time to get back on that Fit AF goal, only this time, slooower:

• 2 slow runs or walks per week till my heel feels 100%
• tiny body weight workouts - pushups, squats, heel raises
• full body stretches after all that

If the injury taught me anything, is how disembodied I am on a day-to-day basis. If anything, this Fit AF goal is not just about getting back my fitness but also (re-)learning to listen to my body.

My body is my harshest teacher.

Heed, or it’ll give me the painful lesson I wished I didn’t have.

A year from now, I’ll wish I had listened well and acted swiftly today.

Might as well start now.