Day 908 - Dialling down exercise habits -

You know you got a habit dialled down when you don't have to force yourself to go do it. No need for habit hacking. No need to design the environment. No mental tricks or hoops to jump through.

I've always struggled with making myself exercise in the morning. It's early, I'm still sleepy, I prefer to work, I got to get the kid ready for school. Many reasons I give myself. But seldom 100% true.

But what I do know is I feel better 100% of the time after I exercise in the morning.

It's just that it's not always easy to tap into the posthoc feeling, or memory of that feeling, before doing that exercise. Or maybe it just takes time to truly **embody** that memory, that feeling, not as something intellectual or a mental discipline thing, but to intuitively feel it in my bones and gut just how I truly enjoy it.

That inflection point seems to have happened just recently.

I know it when it goes from "I *should* do it..." to "I *want* to do it...". It's the same with other infinite game type of habits, like diet and sleep, I find.

So now I got the habit part of it dialled down. Next, to actually get the outcome – being [fit af](