Day 853 - Many small bets within one small bet -

Maybe this is an indie hacking approach we can double down on:

**Making many small bets within one small bet.**

That's what I've been doing for my Carrd plugins, and recently doubled down on it and starting to see some nice results. Some benefits I see from making many small bets within one small bet:

- I get to channel my itch for creating new things by creating new free/paid plugins.
- I get to help individuals solve their problems because usually my plugins are inspired by someone asking a question in a forum.
- I get to give value to the wider community, generate goodwill and word of mouth for my brand.
- Not just marketing but I get financial returns too – affiliate revenue goes up when people sign up for Carrd in order to download one of my plugins. Seller revenue goes up too when they donate or pay for one of my templates.
- The free plugins are like top of the funnel capture, warming leads and bringing more potentials customers in. The paid plugins are more preium offerings lower down the funnel.
- All the plugins are like stand-alone products, but they amplify one another in terms of marketing and utility, and together act as a multiplier for my plugins project.

I feel optimistic about this project and approach. And seeing these successful small-bets-in-small-bet projects made me feel even more hopeful!

- []( is a productivity tools page where you can use free internet tools to edit/format PDFs, images, videos, AI writing, files. It's super comprehensive, and recently did 7M page views in just March alone, at $20k revenue that month.
- [Finsweet Attributes]( is like Webflow plugins without the code. Passed 140,000,000 page loads permonth!
- And of course, the OG indie hacker, Pieter Levels - he build Nomadlist, a travel listing directory for digital nomads, then moved into an adjacent space of remote work that many digital nomads are doing with RemoteOK. Now building out Rebase, an immigration-as-a-service SaaS.
- Oh can't forget to mention, the OGs I followed when I just started building were the builders of Wordpress templates/themes! They built many themes, some free, some paid. I think deep down that influenced my view of how to make money on the web. My Carrd plugins project were totally influenced by those WP builders. Even choosing to use the word "plugins" is a WP thing! (I could have called it components, scripts, widgets as others did).

The key here is to build many small bets but all within a specific niche or problem space, so that despite being separate products they all converge in one particular direction or topic. You kinda get to have your cake and eat it – the benefits of diversity, variety and resilience from having multiple products, yet all centered around a singular focus.

*What do you think? Is this the best indie hacking approach ever or what?*