Day 704 - Eff it I'm doing it -

“F**k it I’m doing it” is the approach I want to do more of from now on. I want to catch myself saying this more often in the week, month, year.

Because every time a “f**k it” happens, that means I’m taking a chance, risking something. It means I’m taking the leap of faith out of my comfort zone to try something I’m not 100% competent in or certain about. It means I’m not over-thinking it, no paralysis by analysis.

It can feel disconcerting at first, because I’m more used to being intentional and purposeful. “F**k it” doesn’t at all feel intentional. It feels more like a puppy chasing after a car – it wouldn’t know what to do even if it caught up to the car and got a firm bite on it. “F**k it” means fortuitous.

But that’s what embracing opportunity feels like. That’s what following my nose and acting on intuition to a chaotic environment feels like. That’s what Bayesian thinking feels like.

Maybe it’ll end with nothing. There’s definitely a high chance of nothing fruitful emerging from chasing random cars on the street. But as with probabilistic approaches, more is more. And the more I go “F**k it”, the higher the probability of getting more wins.

So more “f**k it”, less “sit on it”.