Day 484 - Learning the wrong lessons from failures -

By learning from my failures in entrepreneurship, I’ve been doing it ALL WRONG.

I’ve always prided myself in learning from my failures in life. Personal or in entrepreneurship. But I see now that I might have gave it too much weight. I had over-reached into seeing lessons where there might be none.

Because in a stochastic situation, failures aren’t easy to attribute to any single cause. It’s chance, it’s skill, it’s talent, it’s connections, or none of the above. It all blended together, and had that outcome called failure. By attributing it 100% to my own fault, I’m giving myself way less credit than I deserved. Because someone with my skills and work ethic but at a different timing might have succeeded.

Perhaps I was learning the wrong lessons from my failures.

I can stop beating myself up over it now. Time to acknowledge and move on…and try something else, something small, something again.

May we all sleep better tonight with our past, and for all the nights ahead.