Day 249 - Writing funnel v2.0

My writing funnel version 2.0:

Primary channels -
β€’ Lifelog for atomic writing, writing-to-think, works-in-progress.
β€’ Twitter for short form distribution via value-packed threads, for discussion, engagement and referral loops back to Lifelog or my personal Twitter account.
β€’ Canonical cross-posting to Medium for writers, for long form distribution. Any monies from the Partner Program will be a bonus.
β€’ Quora for further long form distribution to frequently asked questions about writing, people who might already be warm to the idea of Lifelog.
β€’ LinkedIn for distributing to professionals on why writing benefits their career.

Secondary channels -
β€’ Reddit for the chance of viral distribution, but tough crowd.
β€’ Facebook for showing off to people I know haha. ;)
β€’ Personal blog for occasional personal long form content, like monthly, yearly goals and reviews.
β€’ Indie Hackers, Hacker News, Telegram / Slack groups for ad-hoc sharing to niche target groups - indie writers, creators, bloggers, marketing folks, entrepreneurs, developers, makers.

For those who had done this before, what might be some things I should be aware or cautious about when doing this funnel?

Anyone distributed via TikTok before? How best can Lifelog distribute content on TikTok?