Day 595 - Getting more out of our Lifelog posts -

Reading this tweet from @Nicolascole77 ( about getting more juice out of your writing got me thinking about how we can all get more out of our Lifelog writings.

I’ve always wondered about this. I write everyday on Lifelog, and wished there’s ways to get more out of my writings here and repurpose them on other platforms, than letting it just sit here within Lifelog. One thing

So, brainstorming and adapting his points for Lifelog posts:

• Make your Lifelog post into a concise tweet with a screenshot of the Lifelog post (doing this now)
• Convert your Lifelog post into a thread (doing this now)
• Comment your best Lifelog posts on other people’s tweets/threads (doing this now)
• Compile your best Lifelog posts into a Twitter “Thread of links”
• Turn a series of Lifelog posts about the same topic into Ultimate Guide blog posts
• Turn Lifelog posts into Medium articles, with images and links
• Turn Lifelog posts into Reddit posts for the right subreddit groups
• Break down Lifelog posts into Instagram/LinkedIn Carousels
• Turn Lifelog posts into an eBook
• Read your Lifelog posts writing aloud on TikTok/YouTube, Instagram Live/Story, podcast
• Turn your Lifelog posts podcast episodes into an audio book
• Host a Twitter Spaces talking about one of your popular topics
• Turn 7 of your Lifelog posts into a free 7-day email course (I want this!)
• Screenshot your Lifelog posts and post the images on Pinterest
• Turn parts of your Lifelog post into Instagram images (tried it during #100daysofmarketing, didn’t really work)
• Answer questions on Quora using Lifelog posts (tried it during #100daysofmarketing, didn’t really work)
• Expand your Lifelog posts into a weekly newsletter (planning this for Lifelog using Revue/Substack)
• Compile 12 newsletters together into a book
• Compile 10-20 Lifelog posts together into a book, eBook, or course curriculum

What else can we do to repurpose our Lifelog content?

here u go: @thetalkingbook

Jason Leow Author

Oooh interesting! I like Stoic philosophy too. What's the tiktok account name?

Jason Leow Author

Thanks Daniel! Interesting. Wow already 120k followers - that's not too shabby! Love that he reads from a battered old book haha. Goes to show the idea can really work! 🤩


i know someone from who read marcus aurelius meditations book on tiktok. and i was listening to it. and i read your post in here, so i am sure there would be people who will get value from your writing in other platform 🤗


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