Day 828 - 1000 different & beautiful things in your 1 wild & precious life -

"Twitter is saying 1 thing in 1000 ways."

Sorry, hard NO. That's boring af.

Instead, let's normalise saying the 1000 different and beautiful things happening in your 1 wild and precious life.

Do that, & I'd follow you in a heartbeat.

Because no one can compete with being you. And being you means embracing all the facets of who you are, what you do. You don't need to come up with original content. You = originality.

Because we're not one thing, even if the gurus all say it's good to be known for one thing. They say, people are lazy, they just want to pigeonhole you into one box. It's easier for them to recall you as the "____ guy". I call bullshit. If we just spend a few more seconds thinking deeper about anyone we know—friends or family—we will effortlessly realise they are so much more beyond the one thing we tend to label them by.

Because we contain multitudes. We are complex creatures. We're not uni-dimensional. Most of the time, we can be multi-dimensional if we get out of our own way and just let it reveal itself. There's 1000 different and beautiful things happening in our 1 wild and precious live. But we've tuned out of them, and got numb. So many creators say, I have nothing interesting to share! That's exactly it. We lost touch with our multitudes. We just need to look harder, and get accustomed to seeing them all over again, and it'll get easier. It's true, I was skeptical, but tried and now I can see interesting things happening where I used to not notice them.

Only machines try to say 1 thing in 1000 ways. In the age of AI, don't compete with machines by being a machine.

Compete by being utterly and imperfectly human. By being you.