Day 682 - Restarting from zero -

"Big companies and repeat entrepreneurs struggle to go from zero to one because they refuse to restart at zero." – [@naval](

This is something I've been musing over, something I feel I want when it comes to my indie solopreneur journey.

*What does it truly feel like to restart from zero?*

- Spending the past 3 months away from building my products gave some perspective. I guess this is the kind of detox that helps you restart. Maybe 3 months isn't enough to actually go all the way back to zero, but too much and I fear I might forget altogether.
- To read other advice, tips and hacks on the internet and go, "We'll try and see" instead of lapping it up like a puppy dog. Healthy skepticism.
- To get disapproval and negative opinions from others—peers, friends, even folks you look up to—and not flinch. Same healthy skepticism.
- To have beginner's mind and ask "Why not?" instead of "No that's not how it's usually done." I kept thinking back at a decade ago when I just started and I was just making things up, improvising as I went. I want to go back full circle, to that blank slate.
- Not having assumptions that I know anything at all, and not having expectations that things will happen how I envision it.
- A state of relaxed focus, a kind of flow state, where I not too tight in my focus, yet also loose enough to look up and about, to see other opportunities popping up. Even relaxed enough to go for stroll online or offline to flaneur and wander.

Restarting from zero, now.